If you drop alchemical ingredients directly on your portrait your character will eat them, gaining a little experience in alchemy if your experience level is low. This will bring up the alchemy or enchant interfaces. Oh - you asked HOW to use them? take the mortar and pestle or the soul gem and drop it on your little character portrait like you're equipping armor. You will need the other alchemical tools too though if you want to make good stuff, but the grandmaster Mortar&pestle you have will automatically make any potion you create more potent and valuable. I would also recommend holding onto the soul gems and grand master mortar&pestle - you wont get anything like what it's worth anyway, and mixing potions is a pretty decent way to raise some cash. I also make a lot of water walking and some levitation potions. I was making a few restore health but I didn't know where to get one ingredient except in stores, now I finally found where in the world it grows so I am happy and can make lots of health potions. Yeah those restore fatigue potions are actually handy too.